
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Idaho/Nevada Sampler: Ketchum, Winnemucca, Twin Falls (Lora)

The name Sun Valley conjured up all kinds of fantasies for me such as suntanned celebrities the likes of Gary cooper, Clark Gabel, Claudette Colbert and Ingrid Bergman hanging out at the bar at the Sun Valley Lodge after gracefully slaloming down deep powered slopes.   

Our digs for our two nights in that part of Idaho were in the less tony, but quite swish none-the-less, neighboring town of Ketchum.  I’m sure it was a bit more authentic when Ernest Hemingway lived there.  These days you can buy your $1,500 parka and custom fitted ski boots at any number of shops that line the streets. The launch pad at the ski area looked like it could take you both to the summit and to the moon.  Suffice it to say that Papa probably wouldn’t recognize it now.

Sun Valley gondola.jpg

Our next overnight was in Winnemucca, Idaho.  We selected it because it fell mid way in the long haul between Ketchum and Lake Tahoe.  

Winnemucca neon sign.jpg

 On the way to Winnemucca (why does that sound like a old time song?),* we took a detour throughTwin Falls to see the place where Evil Knievel attempted his infamous, and abortive launch across the Snake River. There’s a plaque there – now defaced, I am guessing, from the continuous rubbing it receives from the sweaty palms of Base jumpers who launch themselves from the bridge.  This is one of the few places in this country where BASE jumping is allowed.   Crowds gather to watch this daily feat of insanity.  Of course we joined them and David made this video:

Uploaded by Lora Brody on 2017-09-30.

And then it was on to California.  My internal play list at this point consisted of only one song.  For me it is the quintessential coast to coast road trip song.  Written by the divine Kate McGarrigal and made famous by Linda Ronstadt, and covered by everyone and their brother Talk To Me of Mendocino says it best.  

*My good friend David Hiley points out that it reminds me of an old time song because it is an old time song.  Take a listen.

And my daughter-in-law Joanna reminds me that Johnny Cash 'crushed it' with his cover.  

An Anniversary, Three Birthdays, and Sukkot in Yosemite (Lora)

Detour: Bozeman and Driggs (David)